Whooo-ey. Spoilers EVERYWHERE. Both hark and behold.
I said somewhere in my reviews for this season that the writers were punishing me for my bitching about last season, and that holds with a bullet this episode. They pretty mercilessly take down both T-Dog and Lori, the first who has been a walking punchline of tokenism – a fair number of reviewers have been doing a T-Dog line count, which is not pretty – and the latter a fan un-favorite to the n-th degree. On the one hand, that’s probably nifty, clearing the ground of characters like the rotting walkers that the Rickocrats are working on clearing in the opening scenes, so they can plant the ground for new crops. On the other it’s a bloody chicken out on characters who the writers generally suck at writing, and forget trying to improve on them, take ’em down.
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Oh wait, nevermind. |
I mean, we have already two other poorly sketched black characters, so buh bye Theodore Douglas. We didn’t know shit about your life previous to the zombie apocalypse, we could rely on you to stand blackly in the background, and maybe utter a line or two that literally anyone else could for the entire show. Sniff. Smell you later.
Zombie stories are on some level landscape pictures that run the slow pan over the American landscape and take our pulse or the lack thereof about what we think about soil and race and movement and teh wimmens. Landscape pictures tend to be male holdouts, Alamos of homosocial enclaves – like a prison? Just saying – and it’s not a huge surprise that a show that is setting up a soft-spoken lunatic against an ironically not-so-effective badass – seriously, Rick, make sure the dude is dead when you consign him to death, lest dramatic irony bite you (or T-Dog) in the ass – would spend this domestic death this way. Zombie narratives are hell on domesticity – they tend to make it shallow and worthless – but it really could have been something if Lori could stick around to do something other than die valiantly and womanly in a big freaking gross out. Jesus Christ.
Nice post. I almost feel like Lori got off on her predicament, as fucked up as that is. She was all, “YESSS!!! Baby BREACHED!!! I get my dramatic exit!!!” That woman couldn’t wait to deliver the whole “and don’t forget to stab me in the brains when your’e done” martyr line.
Moaning Rick really unwound me, though. (As did TEH CHILE straight-facedly blowing his mommy’s face off, but that unwound me in a different way, like by making me want to vomit.) When Maggie came out holding the baby with no Lori, his reaction disturbed me. Maybe because he’s mostly emotionless, so his tears meant something to me? I don’t know.
Oh, and by the way, I’m totally the fuck in love with Lauren Cohan.
Whoops, I totally missed this last week – sorry. My life has been brought to you by cold medicine recently.